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Extremos do Prazer (1984) |
Extremos do Prazer 1984 HD
Dated Released : 1984-01-30
Quality : BluRay | 92 minutes Minutes
Rating : 6/10 (1 Users)
Star : Luiz Carlos Braga, Taya Fatoon, Roberto Miranda, Vanessa Alves
Genre : Drama
Overview : Luiz Antônio, a sociologist, had his political rights suppressed, during the Brazilian military dictatorship. Also, his wife Ruth had been tortured and killed. So he decides to hide in his niece Natércia and her husband Felipe's country house for a while. But she invites the intellectual Marcela and broker Ricardo for a weekend together. Luiz's world is upset and the existential problems of all get entangled, with unexpected results.
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